Uncover Concealed Browsing Dangers: Complimentary Risk Evaluation for GenAI, Identity, Web, and SaaS Vulnerabilities.

As GenAI tools and SaaS platforms become essential in the employee toolkit, the risks related to data exposure, identity vulnerabilities, and unmonitored browsing behavior have surged. Proactive security teams are seeking security controls and strategies to tackle these risks, but they may not always know which ones to prioritize. In some instances, they might overlook certain risks altogether.

To assist with this, a new complimentary risk assessment is now available. This assessment will be tailored to each organization’s browsing environment, evaluating their risks and offering actionable insights. Security and IT teams can utilize the assessment to enhance their security posture, guide their decision-making, promote awareness throughout the organization, and plan their next steps.

The assessment culminates in a report that provides a high-level overview of key risks, such as insecure use of GenAI, risks of sensitive data leakage through the browser, SaaS app usage, identity security gaps, browsing threats, and the use of malicious extensions along with their permissions. The report then delves into each finding, offering precise metrics and recommendations for mitigation. You can find an example of an assessment report here.

Uncover Concealed Browsing Dangers: Complimentary Risk Evaluation for GenAI, Identity, Web, and SaaS Vulnerabilities.

Why Assess? Browser Threats and Risks

The browser serves as the central hub for today’s workforce, enhancing productivity while also posing various risks. Some of the key threats organizations encounter include:

Is Your Organization at Risk?

The first step in tackling these challenges is to understand the risks you face. To assist with this, LayerX Security offers organizations a free risk assessment aimed at uncovering and analyzing their risk profile in areas of modern web and SaaS security that are often overlooked. This assessment is customized to evaluate and report on their unique environment, providing detailed and actionable insights that can be put into practice right away.

Take advantage of this free risk assessment to identify, evaluate, and mitigate browsing and SaaS risks in your organization. This assessment is beneficial for organizations at any stage of maturity, across all industries, and for any number of users.

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