For Ubuntu 20.04 LTS completed and dusted Ubuntu developers turn their focus to Ubuntu 20.10, expected to ship on October 22, 2020.
Read when Ubuntu 20.10 is launched and what new features it will contain
Today, unfortunately, it’s just May; this release (codenamed ‘Groovy Gorilla’) is only in its early stages. But already know some things about what to expect when Ubuntu 20.10 is released, how long it will be supported, and even some of the features devs are hoping to sneak in.
So keep reading to learn about Ubuntu 20.10 features, changes, and improvements. So because this article is updated daily, why not bookmark it now to check back and keep tabs on progress!
Ubuntu 20.10 ‘Groovy Gorilla’
The codename of Ubuntu 20.10 is ‘Groovy Gorilla.’ Although this alliterative combo won’t allow us to go on as before, it is gloriously tame enough to lead to the creation of some great artwork to support the release.
Ubuntu 20.10 is a short-term release (STR) on support. For 9 months, it is provided with continuing bug updates, security improvements and new device releases, and none.
This support window may sound short, but it is consistent with Ubuntu’s two year tradition to publish an LTS with intermediate STRs.
Ubuntu 20.10 will be the 23rd version of this particular operating system built on Debian.
Ubuntu 20.10 Date of release
The release date for Ubuntu 20.10 is 22 October 2020.
This date, along with those planned for other development events over the next six months, is listed on Launchpad, the house of growth in Ubuntu.
Many significant milestones in the production process of Groovy Gorilla include:
Week of testing: 3 July 2020
UI Freeze: Sept 17, 2020.
Beta: October 1 , 2020 Ubuntu 20.10
Freeze Kernel: October 8, 2020.
Candidate Release: October 15, 2020
20.10 features of Ubuntu
Which new functionality is Ubuntu 20.10 going to offer? All the following is almost guaranteed to fly, or most definitely, as you read this.
Like GNOME 3.38, due to be launched in September. This release will be at the heart of Ubuntu 20.10, featuring a new load of UI and UX tweaks and further improvements in performance.
Other significant upgrade in GNOME 3.38 will be refinements to the new lock screen (although do not get your hopes for the pin unlock) and the ‘Frequent Apps’ section from the Application grid (rather foreign).
Gnome lock mockup screen
Potential improvements to the lock screen
GNOME devs also intend to improve the separation of app icons on the grid of applications, so that the space available on larger, wider and smaller screens is better used.
Fully-functional fingerprint authentication is now in development (some of these are back in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS), so expect to see and hear more from now until October.
At the time you read this, Ubuntu 20.10 is in development with Linux Kernel 5.6 but expect a newer Linux kernel. That one can hardly foresee, but if the kernel is released it can only fit in Linux 5.8.
The ‘blurry desktop background’ issue for Groovy will be addressed (again) as well as work on revising the software properties dialogue.
Support for OEM kernels (i.e. devices sold with Ubuntu) is also on the horizon. This includes a way to download OEM shipments online and a “how to enjoy your appearance on a certified unit.”
I hope some things will change (but possibly not)
There are a few minor items that I want Ubuntu to include / fix / fix.
For eg, Ubuntu-based downstream distros like Pop! OS provides an integrated recovery feature. It makes it easy to uninstall the machine without having to access the .iso and all the jazz files. In 2020 it was odd that Ubuntu, also known as the most popular Linux desktop operating system, wasn’t as basic as that.
I can’t be the only one to consider an total dumpster fire on “new” Snap version of Software Center while attempting to locate games, right? Any app search I do looks at appropriate and irrelevant Snap “stuff” way above my own search. This is hard! It is stressful! 😆
Last but not least, screen icons.
My boy. Poor boy.
This extension of GNOME is evil. There are no simple, important features that can be predicted. I can go so far as to suggest it would be all the best for Ubuntu if she did not ship it. I mean: why tease me with the furnace to act as I expect if it can’t be? This is only a let-down.
It is also extremely jarring that desktop icons are lost from the view of the second screen triggered by the Applications or Activities. A quick insertion / out will sound more seamless. As it is, it is too blunt; I think it is always a glitch or a crash which I foresee anyway, despite its other deficiencies.
Sidenote — I might hammer out a whole article worth little grip, but that’s enough for the moment!
Ubuntu 20.10 Download
Ubuntu 20.10 daily builds can be downloaded in advance of the official, formal and final stable release. These components should not be deemed trustworthy or used only as your OS but provide a way to check in and help verify the release before your arrival in October.